Sacred Ceremonies
Kakó Athöfn & Sánagus í Nesvík: Sunday Cacao Ceremony & Sauna Ritual
*english text below
Kakó Athöfn & Sunnudags súkkulaði sæla í Nesvík :)
Velkomin í töfrandi ferðalag inná við í heim hjartans.
Sánan verður heit fyrir þá sem að vilja frá 14:00 - 15:45.
Kakó Athöfnin:
Þú færð þú ilmandi og hlýjan seremoníu, kakó bolla beint frá frumskógum Gvatemala til þess að lenda í þér og finna þinn ásetning.
Síðan verður þú leidd/ur inn í líkamann þinn með öndun, hugleiðslu og þaðan færðu síðan að leggjast niður, en þar leiðir Júlía þig í töfrandi heima heilandi tóna sem að vonandi gefur þér skýrleika, slökun, upplifun og umbreytingu.
Gefðu þér rými til þess að endurnærast og koma heim inn í fallega hjartað þitt og þinn innri áttavita.
Í okkar nútíma heimi getum við svo auðveldlega gleymt kjarnanum okkar því það er mikið af utan aðkomandi áreiti sem að truflar okkur og getur þar að leiðandi leitt okkur frá okkar innri kjarna.
Þetta rými er fyrir þig til þess að endurstilla þig, taugakerfið og kjarnann þinn.
Hjartað er stórmerkilegt fyrirbæri sem að varla er hægt að útskýra með orðum en þar, svo sannarlega gerast töfrarnir.
Það eru margar plöntur sem að koma af jörðunni sem að eru sífellt að hjálpa mannkyninu að muna hver við erum í raun og veru. Plönturnar eru með vitun og þær eru svo sannarlega hér til þess að aðstoða okkur í gegnum þennann skrýtna heim sem að hefur orðið til með árum, tækni og aðskilnaðar frá náttúrunni.
Vertu hjartanlega velkomin sunudaginn 6. Apríl.
Ég hlakka mikið til þess að taka á móti þér í hofi náttúrunnnar í Nesvík :)
Vert er að hafa í huga áður en komið er:
Gott er að vera með lítið í maganum af mat áður en þú tekur þátt, jafnvel bara einhvað létt eins og ávextir djús eða smoothie, síðan geturu nært þig vel eftir á.
Taktu endilega með þér vatnsflösku og teppi til þess að koma þér vel fyrir í ferðalaginu.
Mæting er klukkan 16:00 - 19:30 í athöfnina.
Sánan verður heit frá 14:00 - 15:50, (taktu það fram í staðfestingar póstinum að þú viljir fara í sánuna)
Matur verður fyrir þá sem að vilja næra sig eftir athöfnina, vegan súpa & súrdeigsbrauð.
Verð, sliding scale frá: 6.900 - 13.000 kr (allt innifalið og/eða þú ræður hvað þú vilt koma í, sánuna + kakó athöfn + mat)
Til þess að taka þátt, þá máttu skrá þig hér að neðan.
Hakka til þess að sjá þig :)
Sunday Ceremony & Saunagus in Nesvík.
Welcome to a magical journey inward, into the heart’s realm, during this enchanting time of spring & rising sun.
Before we sit in the cacao ceremony,
our Sauna Temple will be open from 2pm - 3:50pm, so if you wish you can do the sauna ritual before the cacao ceremony.
New Moon Cacao Ceremony
We will begin with a heart warming cacao ceremony, sipping a cup of ceremonial grade cacao straight from the jungles of Guatemala, allowing ourselves to ground and set our intentions.
Then, you will be guided into your body through breathwork and meditation. From there, you will lie down as Júlía leads you into the magical world of healing sounds—offering you clarity, relaxation, transformation, and a deep experience.
Give yourself the space to recharge and come home to your beautiful heart and inner compass.
In our modern world, it’s so easy to forget our core essence.
External distractions often pull us away from our inner self.
This space is here for you—to reset, balance your nervous system, and reconnect with your core.
The heart is a fascinating phenomenon, nearly impossible to describe with words, yet it is where true magic happens.
Many plants from the earth continuously assist humanity in remembering who we truly are.
These plants carry wisdom and are here to guide us through this strange world that has evolved with technology and disconnection from nature.
You are warmly welcome on Sunday, March 23rd.
I am very much looking forward to welcoming you to nature’s sanctuary in Nesvík!
Things to Keep in Mind Before Attending:
• It’s best to have little to no food in your stomach beforehand—perhaps something light like fruit, juice, or a smoothie. You can nourish yourself fully afterward.
• Please bring a water bottle, yoga mat, and blanket to make yourself comfortable during the journey.
• Sauna Ritual: 2pm - 3:50pm
Cacao Ceremony: 4pm - 7:30pm
A meal will be available after the ceremony for those who wish to nourish themselves—vegan soup & sourdough bread.
• Price, sliding scale from: 6,900 - 13,000 ISK (all-inclusive).
To participate, you can sign up below.
Looking forward to seeing you and celebrating spring together!
DANSMESSA: Full Moon Ecstatic Dance & Cacao ceremony
Welcome to this magical
on April 11th 🧡
Ecstatic Dance helps to liberate & transform our body, mind & soul.
Come as you are and let go into the music, allow yourself to shake, dance and liberate your body from stagnation. The music will take you on a journey, as it varies from many cultures and helps to bring variation to your movement & soul.
I am honoured to share with you the magical essence of an ancient plant teacher, ceremonial cacao & to serenade you with the powerful medicine of sound bath.
This will be a evening filled with love, wisdom & remembrance where you can re-charge & align your body, mind & spirit.
More about Cacao Ceremonies:
Cacao Ceremonies is a space to create harmony within ourselves, our community and the world. The change we wish to see in the world has to happen within ourselves first and this is a space to fine tune your energy, body & heart.
We will journey together by activating the life force energy & open up the heart: Ceremonial Cacao is a beautiful heart opening plant medicine that helps us to come closer into our own centre and start to listen to our inner compass.
We will journey through different types of practises, for example:
This space is where you get to come exactly as you are & receive what ever you are ready for.
April 11th , 18:00 - 22:00
In the Temple of Nesvík
6.000 - 8.000 ISK
SIGN UP? Fill out the form here below :-)
Nýmána Athöfn í Nesvík: New moon Sunday Ceremony & Saunagus
*english text below
Nýmána Athöfn & Sunnudags súkkulaði sæla í Nesvík :)
Velkomin í töfrandi ferðalag inná við í heim hjartans á nýja tunglinu í hrúti. Hrúturinn er fyrsta stjörnumerkið og þess vegna er kraftmikil orka í að planta fræjum fyrir því sem að maður vill sjá vaxa á árinu.
Sánan verður heit fyrir þá sem að vilja frá 14:00 - 15:45.
Kakó Athöfnin:
Þú færð þú ilmandi og hlýjan seremoníu, kakó bolla beint frá frumskógum Gvatemala til þess að lenda í þér og finna þinn ásetning.
Síðan verður þú leidd/ur inn í líkamann þinn með öndun, hugleiðslu og þaðan færðu síðan að leggjast niður, en þar leiðir Júlía þig í töfrandi heima heilandi tóna sem að vonandi gefur þér skýrleika, slökun, upplifun og umbreytingu.
Gefðu þér rými til þess að endurnærast og koma heim inn í fallega hjartað þitt og þinn innri áttavita.
Í okkar nútíma heimi getum við svo auðveldlega gleymt kjarnanum okkar því það er mikið af utan aðkomandi áreiti sem að truflar okkur og getur þar að leiðandi leitt okkur frá okkar innri kjarna.
Þetta rými er fyrir þig til þess að endurstilla þig, taugakerfið og kjarnann þinn.
Hjartað er stórmerkilegt fyrirbæri sem að varla er hægt að útskýra með orðum en þar, svo sannarlega gerast töfrarnir.
Það eru margar plöntur sem að koma af jörðunni sem að eru sífellt að hjálpa mannkyninu að muna hver við erum í raun og veru. Plönturnar eru með vitun og þær eru svo sannarlega hér til þess að aðstoða okkur í gegnum þennann skrýtna heim sem að hefur orðið til með árum, tækni og aðskilnaðar frá náttúrunni.
Vertu hjartanlega velkomin sunudaginn 30. mars.
Ég hlakka mikið til þess að taka á móti þér í hofi náttúrunnnar í Nesvík :)
Vert er að hafa í huga áður en komið er:
Gott er að vera með lítið í maganum af mat áður en þú tekur þátt, jafnvel bara einhvað létt eins og ávextir djús eða smoothie, síðan geturu nært þig vel eftir á.
Taktu endilega með þér vatnsflösku og teppi til þess að koma þér vel fyrir í ferðalaginu.
Mæting er klukkan 16:00 - 19:30 í athöfnina.
Sánan verður heit frá 14:00 - 15:50, (taktu það fram í staðfestingar póstinum að þú viljir fara í sánuna)
Matur verður fyrir þá sem að vilja næra sig eftir athöfnina, vegan súpa & súrdeigsbrauð.
Verð, sliding scale frá: 6.900 - 13.000 kr (allt innifalið og/eða þú ræður hvað þú vilt koma í, sánuna + kakó athöfn + mat)
Til þess að taka þátt, þá máttu skrá þig hér að neðan.
Hakka til þess að sjá þig :)
New Moon Sunday Ceremony & Saunagus in Nesvík.
Welcome to a magical journey inward, into the heart’s realm, during this enchanting time of spring & the first new moon of the new astrological year in Aries.
Before we sit in the cacao ceremony,
our Sauna Temple will be open from 2pm - 3:50pm, so if you wish you can do the sauna ritual before the cacao ceremony.
New Moon Cacao Ceremony
We will begin with a heart warming cacao ceremony, sipping a cup of ceremonial grade cacao straight from the jungles of Guatemala, allowing ourselves to ground and set our intentions.
Then, you will be guided into your body through breathwork and meditation. From there, you will lie down as Júlía leads you into the magical world of healing sounds—offering you clarity, relaxation, transformation, and a deep experience.
Give yourself the space to recharge and come home to your beautiful heart and inner compass.
In our modern world, it’s so easy to forget our core essence.
External distractions often pull us away from our inner self.
This space is here for you—to reset, balance your nervous system, and reconnect with your core.
The heart is a fascinating phenomenon, nearly impossible to describe with words, yet it is where true magic happens.
Many plants from the earth continuously assist humanity in remembering who we truly are.
These plants carry wisdom and are here to guide us through this strange world that has evolved with technology and disconnection from nature.
You are warmly welcome on Sunday, March 23rd.
I am very much looking forward to welcoming you to nature’s sanctuary in Nesvík!
Things to Keep in Mind Before Attending:
• It’s best to have little to no food in your stomach beforehand—perhaps something light like fruit, juice, or a smoothie. You can nourish yourself fully afterward.
• Please bring a water bottle, yoga mat, and blanket to make yourself comfortable during the journey.
• Sauna Ritual: 2pm - 3:50pm
Cacao Ceremony: 4pm - 7:30pm
A meal will be available after the ceremony for those who wish to nourish themselves—vegan soup & sourdough bread.
• Price, sliding scale from: 6,900 - 13,000 ISK (all-inclusive).
To participate, you can sign up below.
Looking forward to seeing you and celebrating spring together!
SPRING EQUINOX // Cacao Ceremony & Sound Journey in the Temple of Nesvík
*english text below
Sunnudags súkkulaði sæla, heimkoma og vorjafndægur í Nesvík :)
Velkomin í töfrandi ferðalag inná við í heim hjartans á þessum töfrandi tímum vors.
Fyrst færð þú ilmandi og hlýjan seremoníu, kakó bolla beint frá frumskógum Gvatemala til þess að lenda í þér og finna þinn ásetning.
Síðan verður þú leidd/ur inn í líkamann þinn með öndun, hugleiðslu og þaðan færðu síðan að leggjast niður, en þar leiðir Júlía þig í töfrandi heima heilandi tóna sem að vonandi gefur þér skýrleika, slökun, upplifun og umbreytingu.
Gefðu þér rými til þess að endurnærast og koma heim inn í fallega hjartað þitt og þinn innri áttavita.
Í okkar nútíma heimi getum við svo auðveldlega gleymt kjarnanum okkar því það er mikið af utan aðkomandi áreiti sem að truflar okkur og getur þar að leiðandi leitt okkur frá okkar innri kjarna.
Þetta rými er fyrir þig til þess að endurstilla þig, taugakerfið og kjarnann þinn.
Hjartað er stórmerkilegt fyrirbæri sem að varla er hægt að útskýra með orðum en þar, svo sannarlega gerast töfrarnir.
Það eru margar plöntur sem að koma af jörðunni sem að eru sífellt að hjálpa mannkyninu að muna hver við erum í raun og veru. Plönturnar eru með vitun og þær eru svo sannarlega hér til þess að aðstoða okkur í gegnum þennann skrýtna heim sem að hefur orðið til með árum, tækni og aðskilnaðar frá náttúrunni.
Vertu hjartanlega velkomin sunudaginn 23. mars.
Ég hlakka mikið til þess að taka á móti þér í hofi náttúrunnnar í Nesvík :)
Vert er að hafa í huga áður en komið er:
Gott er að vera með lítið í maganum af mat áður en þú tekur þátt, jafnvel bara einhvað létt eins og ávextir djús eða smoothie. Síðan geturu nært þig vel eftir á.
Taktu endilega með þér vatnsflösku, yogadýnu og teppi til þess að koma þér vel fyrir í ferðalaginu.
Mæting er klukkan 15:00 - 19:00
Matur verður fyrir þá sem að vilja næra sig eftir athöfnina, Vegan súpa & súrdeigsbrauð.
Verð: 7.900 kr (allt innifalið)
Til þess að taka þátt, þá máttu skrá þig hér að neðan.
Hakka til þess að sjá þig og fagna vorinu saman :)
Sunday cacao bliss, homecoming and Spring Equinox in Nesvík.
Welcome to a magical journey inward, into the heart’s realm, during this enchanting time of spring.
We will begin with a heart warming cacao ceremony, sipping a cup of ceremonial grade cacao straight from the jungles of Guatemala, allowing ourselves to ground and set our intentions.
Then, you will be guided into your body through breathwork and meditation. From there, you will lie down as Júlía leads you into the magical world of healing sounds—offering you clarity, relaxation, transformation, and a deep experience.
Give yourself the space to recharge and come home to your beautiful heart and inner compass.
In our modern world, it’s so easy to forget our core essence.
External distractions often pull us away from our inner self.
This space is here for you—to reset, balance your nervous system, and reconnect with your core.
The heart is a fascinating phenomenon, nearly impossible to describe with words, yet it is where true magic happens.
Many plants from the earth continuously assist humanity in remembering who we truly are.
These plants carry wisdom and are here to guide us through this strange world that has evolved with technology and disconnection from nature.
You are warmly welcome on Sunday, March 23rd.
I am very much looking forward to welcoming you to nature’s sanctuary in Nesvík!
Things to Keep in Mind Before Attending:
• It’s best to have little to no food in your stomach beforehand—perhaps something light like fruit, juice, or a smoothie. You can nourish yourself fully afterward.
• Please bring a water bottle, yoga mat, and blanket to make yourself comfortable during the journey.
• Event Time: 15:00 - 19:00
A meal will be available after the ceremony for those who wish to nourish themselves—vegan soup & sourdough bread.
• Price: 7,900 ISK (all-inclusive).
To participate, you can sign up below.
Looking forward to seeing you and celebrating spring together!
CACAO CEREMONY, ECSTATIC DANCE & SOUND JOURNEY (my last ceremony until April 2025)
Welcome to this magical
on January 19th 🧡
Ecstatic Dance helps to liberate & transform our body, mind & soul.
I am honoured to share with you the magical essence of an ancient plant teacher, ceremonial cacao & to serenade you with the powerful medicine of sound bath.
This will be a day filled with love, wisdom & remembrance where you can re-charge & align your body, mind & spirit.
More about Cacao Ceremonies:
Cacao Ceremonies are spaces to create harmony within ourselves, our community and the world. The change we wish to see in the world has to happen within ourselves first and this is a space to fine tune your energy, body & heart.
We will journey together by activating the life force energy & open up the heart: Ceremonial Cacao is a beautiful heart opening plant medicine that helps us to come closer into our own centre and start to listen to our inner compass.
We will journey through different types of practises, for example:
This space is where you get to come exactly as you are & receive what ever you are ready for.
WHEN? JAN 19th , 15:00 - 19:30
WHERE? In the Temple of Nesvík
PRICE RANGE? 6.000 - 12.000 ISK
SIGN UP? Fill out the form here below :-)
9D Breath work, Cacao Ceremony, Sound Journey & Dinner
Welcome to this
in the Temple of Nesvík
12th Jan 2025
This event is dedicated to celebration, community, nature, aliveness, love & connection.
Give yourself space to charge your own batteries.
You can arrive straight into a warm sauna at noon (12:00) surrounded by the ocean and enjoy the magic of nature before we start the event at 2PM inside of the main big house on the property.
As you arrive we welcome you to sit down and relax as we start the Cacao Ceremony guided by Júlía.
After the Cacao ceremony we will dive straight into the 9D breath work journey guided by Arnór Dan.
As we come out of the 9D breath work journey, you can take off your headphones & continue laying down on your mat as you will be serenaded by a live sound journey to integrate and come back into your body.
Then there will be a space to share, integrate and enjoy a delicious nourishing meal before you go home.
Let’s enjoy this beautiful life together & celebrate the last full moon of the year 2024.
The Temple in Nesvík
12:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:30
We will start this day together with a beautiful Sauna Ritual & Ocean swimming to cleanse & ground our bodies.
Then you will be served a cup of magical ceremonial grade cacao from the jungles of Guatemala and travel with the powerful tool that is 9D breath work.
We will breathe life & activate the body as well as sit in a beautiful ceremony guided by Júlía with mediation & sound journey.
Then finally after the whole day we will serve you a nourishing & delicious meal to land.
We are so excited to experience this with you!!!❤️ & bring your friends!
The Temple of Nesvík, (The bigger house, location is sent as you register)
12. January
14:00 - 18:30
Sliding scale: 12.000 - 15.000 ISK (with everything included, Cacao Ceremony, 9D Breath work+ food!)
Sauna Ritual before the event: 3.000 ISK
If you would like to attend the sauna before the event starts please make sure you register that in the email as you sign up.
To register please fill out the form here below❤️
SUNDAY CHURCH: Sauna ritual, Ocean dip, Cacao Ceremony & more! :)
Welcome to SUNDAY CHURCH in the Temple of Nesvík
5th Jan 2025
This event is dedicated to celebration, community, nature, aliveness, love & connection.
Give yourself space to charge your own batteries.
You can arrive straight into a warm sauna surrounded by the ocean and enjoy the magic of nature before you sit inside for a warm & heart opening Cacao Ceremony & connection OR you can arrive straight into the Cacao Ceremony starting at 4PM.
Let’s enjoy this beautiful life together & reframe what it means to attend church.
The Temple in Nesvík
14:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 19:00
We will start this day together with a beautiful Sauna Ritual & Ocean swimming to cleanse & ground our bodies.
Then you will be served a cup of magical ceremonial grade cacao from the jungles of Guatemala.
We will breathe life & activate the body as well as sit in a beautiful ceremony guided by Júlía with mediation & sound journey.
Then finally after the whole day we will serve you a nourishing & delicious meal to land.
We are so excited to experience this with you!!!❤️ & bring your friends!
The Temple of Nesvík, (The bigger house, location is sent as you register)
5. January 2025
14:00 - 19:00
Sliding scale: 6.000 - 12.000 ISK (with everything included, Cacao Ceremony, sauna + food!)
To register please fill out the form here below❤️
Step into your clarity for 2025
Start this new year with a sweat in the sauna & ocean swim. Then come inside the temple for a powerful ceremony to get crystal clear on your vision & how you want to start this new year.
This ceremony is for you, if want to step into the new year with more clarity on why you came here, how you get your energy back and what unique gifts you have to serve ❤️
Welcome inside dear.
We invite you to start your year with us in heart felt community, ceremony & intention setting for what you vision for this new year to come.
We will drink the heart warming & ancient Mayan medicine drink, ceremonial cacao to open up our hearts & dive deep together in ceremony.
CEREMONY STARTS AT 15:30 - 18:30
6.000 - 10.000 ISK
Join us for this New year celebration on the first day of the year. 1.1.2025 in the Temple of Nesvík
VETRARSÓLSTÖÐUR: Winter Solstice Sauna ritual, Fire & Cacao Ceremony
Welcome to this magical
on DEC 21st 🧡
As we arrive to the darkest peak of the season, we are met by our deepest core.
This is such an introspective time to reflect on what you are creating in your life.
On his magical & darkest day of the year, December 21st we invite you to gather with us in a sacred ceremony to honour this pivotal moment of the rising of the sun again.
This time of the year is what our ancestors worshipped very dearly as this reflects what is happening within us as we are nature.
We start the ritual together with sauna & ocean dip, then we gather on the beach right in front of the house for a big fire ceremony as we watch the sun go down, then we go inside for a holy & heart opening ceremony with the beautiful heart warming medicine, Ceremonial grade Cacao
In the ceremony you will be guided on an inner journey through meditation and reflections on what this time of the year means for you.
As you meditate & reflect in deep listening, you will be serenaded in a beautiful live sound journey with healing vibrations & multiple instruments that help with raising the awareness and ground deeper in your precious body & being.
What is happening within you in these powerful times?
What insights are you getting?
We can look at this time as an ending of a cycle and a start of a new one (a new year)
As we come together in ceremony we will honour what lays in the deepest core within and celebrate the rising of the sun.
This is a very powerful portal to VISION & DREAM, plant your seeds, dreams and visions in the darkest soil, so it may sprout with the coming seasons, leading up to the summer solstice.
WHEN? 21st DEC, 12:30 - 17:30
WHERE? The temple of Nesvík
PRICE? 6.000 - 8.000 ISK
Fill out the form here below :-)
FULL MOON: 9D Breath work. Cacao Ceremony, Sound Journey & more!
Welcome to this
in the Temple of Nesvík
15th Dec 2024
This event is dedicated to celebration, community, nature, aliveness, love & connection.
Give yourself space to charge your own batteries.
You can arrive straight into a warm sauna at noon (12:00) surrounded by the ocean and enjoy the magic of nature before we start the event at 2PM inside of the main big house on the property.
As you arrive we welcome you to sit down and relax as we start the Cacao Ceremony guided by Júlía.
After the Cacao ceremony we will dive straight into the 9D breath work journey guided by Arnór Dan.
As we come out of the 9D breath work journey, you can take off your headphones & continue laying down on your mat as you will be serenaded by a live sound journey to integrate and come back into your body.
Then there will be a space to share, integrate and enjoy a delicious nourishing meal before you go home.
Let’s enjoy this beautiful life together & celebrate the last full moon of the year 2024.
The Temple in Nesvík
12:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:30
We will start this day together with a beautiful Sauna Ritual & Ocean swimming to cleanse & ground our bodies.
Then you will be served a cup of magical ceremonial grade cacao from the jungles of Guatemala and travel with the powerful tool that is 9D breath work.
We will breathe life & activate the body as well as sit in a beautiful ceremony guided by Júlía with mediation & sound journey.
Then finally after the whole day we will serve you a nourishing & delicious meal to land.
We are so excited to experience this with you!!!❤️ & bring your friends!
The Temple of Nesvík, (The bigger house, location is sent as you register)
15. December
14:00 - 18:30
Sliding scale: 12.000 - 15.000 ISK (with everything included, Cacao Ceremony, 9D Breath work+ food!)
Sauna Ritual before the event: 3.000 ISK
If you would like to attend the sauna before the event starts please make sure you register that in the email as you sign up.
To register please fill out the form here below❤️
SUNDAY CHURCH: Sauna ritual, Ocean dip, Cacao Ceremony, Sound Journey & more!
Welcome to SUNDAY CHURCH in the Temple of Nesvík
8th Dec 2024
This event is dedicated to celebration, community, nature, aliveness, love & connection.
Give yourself space to charge your own batteries.
You can arrive straight into a warm sauna surrounded by the ocean and enjoy the magic of nature before you sit inside for a warm & heart opening Cacao Ceremony & connection OR you can arrive straight into the Cacao Ceremony starting at 4PM.
Let’s enjoy this beautiful life together & reframe what it means to attend church.
The Temple in Nesvík
14:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 19:00
We will start this day together with a beautiful Sauna Ritual & Ocean swimming to cleanse & ground our bodies.
Then you will be served a cup of magical ceremonial grade cacao from the jungles of Guatemala.
We will breathe life & activate the body as well as sit in a beautiful ceremony guided by Júlía with mediation & sound journey.
Then finally after the whole day we will serve you a nourishing & delicious meal to land.
We are so excited to experience this with you!!!❤️ & bring your friends!
The Temple of Nesvík, (The bigger house, location is sent as you register)
8. December
14:00 - 20:00
Sliding scale: 6.000 - 12.000 ISK (with everything included, Cacao Ceremony, sauna + food!)
To register please fill out the form here below❤️
Sunday Church: Sauna ritual, Ocean dip, Cacao Ceremony and more! :)
Welcome to SUNDAY CHURCH in the Temple of Nesvík
1st Dec 2024
This event is dedicated to celebration, community, nature, aliveness, love & connection.
Let’s enjoy this beautiful life together & reframe what it means to attend church.
The Temple in Nesvík
14:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 19:00
We will start this day together with a beautiful Sauna Ritual & Ocean swimming to cleanse & ground our bodies.
Then you will be served a cup of magical ceremonial grade cacao from the jungles of Guatemala.
We will breathe life & activate the body as well as sit in a beautiful ceremony guided by Júlía with mediation & sound journey.
Then finally after the whole day we will serve you a nourishing & delicious meal to land.
We are so excited to experience this with you!!!❤️ & bring your friends!
The Temple of Nesvík, (The bigger house, location is sent as you register)
December 1st
14:00 - 20:00
Sliding scale: 6.000 - 12.000 ISK (with everything included, Cacao Ceremony, sauna + food!)
To register please fill out the form here below❤️
INTIMACY // Nánd - lokað námskeið 4 vikur
Þráir þú dýpri tengingu við lífið sjálft?
Þráir þú dýpri tengingu við makann þinn? vini? fjölskyldu?
Við erum rótin af öllum tengingum í lífinu okkar.
Nándin er lykillinn að hjartanu.
Þegar hjartað er opið þá opnast allt í kringum okkur.
Lífið verður að ævintýri alla daga.
Nánd er lokað námskeið sem að verður haldið 1x í viku, fimmtudagskvöld frá 18:00 - 22:00 í fallegu Nesvík rétt fyrir utan borgina.
Þú getur komið með vin, maka, ástvin, fjölskyldu eða bara með þér.
Þetta námskeið er sérsmíðað til þess að ferðast dýpra inn í nándina við lífið sjálft.
Við byrjum á þér, síðan tengjumst við útávið.
Við munum endurforrita gamla vana og það sem að við höfum tekið með okkur frá þeim sem að ólu okkur upp.
Hjartað okkar er með ýmsa veggi sem að koma í veg fyrir sanna nánd í lífinu.
Þetta námskeið er hannað til þess að komast inn að kjarnanum í þínum samböndum; við þig, þá sem að standa þér næst, ástríðuna þína og við lífið sjálft.
Í hvert skipti sem að við hittumst þá köfum við inn í mismunandi topics, hér eru nokkur dæmi:
- Hvað er nánd?
- Öryggi í samskiptum / tengingum
- Hvar liggja mín mörk?
- Hrein og bein samskipti.
- Kann ég að tjá það sem að ég virkilega vil?
- Innsæi
- Heilandi snerting
- Hvernig gef ég orku? Hvernig tek ég á móti orku?
- Hvernig hlusta ég á aðra í kringum mig?
- Orkulíkaminn
- Skynfæri
- Hvað þýðir það að hlusta og vera til staðar?
- Skilyrðislaus ást
Hvað viltu laða að þér?
--- og svo miklu meira.
4 session & hver tími eru 4 klst.
Dagsetningarnar eru eftirkomandi:
Nóvember 7. 14. 28. & Desember 5th
Námskeiðið kostar í heildina 44.000 kr
English version:
INTIMACY - closed course for 4 weeks
Do you long for a deeper connection with life itself?
Do you long for a deeper connection with your partner? friends? family?
We are the root of all connections in our lives.
Intimacy is the key to the heart.
When the heart is open, everything around us opens up.
Life becomes an adventure every day.
INTIMACY is a closed course that will be held once a week, Thursday evening from 18:00 - 22:00 in beautiful Nesvík just outside the city.
You can bring a friend, partner, loved one, family or just yourself.
This course is specially designed to travel deeper into intimacy and with life itself.
We start with you, then we connect to the outside world.
We will reprogram old habits and what we have taken with us from those who raised us.
Our heart has various walls that can prevent true intimacy in life.
This course is designed to get to the core of your relationships; with you, those closest to you, your passions and with life itself.
Every time we meet we dive into different topics, here are some examples:
- What is intimacy?
- Security in communications / connections
- Where are my limits?
- Clean and direct communication.
- Can I express what I really want?
- Insight
- Healing touch
- How do I give energy? How do I receive energy?
- How do I listen to others around me?
- The energy body
- The senses
- What does it mean to listen and be present?
- Unconditional love
What do you want to attract?
--- and so much more.
4 sessions & each class is 4 hours.
The dates are as follows:
November 7. 14. 28. & December 5th
The course costs a total of ISK 44,000
SAMHAIN FEST / HALLOWEEN: Fire ceremony at the beach, Cacao & Ecstatic Dance
Celtic New Year or Witch´s New Year
Samhain is a portal of magic & mysticism where the veils between the worlds are the thinnest. This is a powerful time to honour our ancestors, those who walked before us, explore our shadows, set our intentions for the “new year” & make an offering to the spirits.
We will start with a beautiful FIRE CEREMONY on the beach in Nesvík at 18:00, which will then lead to a cacao ceremony & ecstatic dance inside.
As we just entered an Eclipse season in the sign of Scorpio where we are being supported by those energies to look at & transform our shadows, we welcome you to burn away anything that no longer serves you on the fire this evening, embrace your beautiful darkness & dance with your transformation.
DRESSCODE: dark, spicy & playful.
WHEN? 31st OCT, 18:00 - 22:30
WHERE? Temple in Nesvík
PRICE? 8.000 ISK
SIGN UP? Fill out the form here below :-)
SUNDAY CHURCH: Sauna ritual & ocean dip, Cacao ceremony, sound journey & food.
Welcome to SUNDAY CHURCH in the Temple of Nesvík
27th October 2024
This event is dedicated to celebration, community, nature, aliveness, love & connection.
Let’s enjoy this beautiful life together & reframe what it means to attend church.
The Temple in Nesvík
SAUNA RITUAL & OCEAN DIP guided by Hinrik the sauna master
14:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 18:30
We will start this day together with a beautiful Sauna Ritual & Ocean swimming to cleanse & ground our bodies.
Then you will be served a cup of magical ceremonial grade cacao from the jungles of Guatemala.
We will breathe life & activate the body as well as sit in a beautiful ceremony guided by Júlía with mediation & sound journey.
Then finally after the whole day we will serve you a nourishing & delicious meal to land.
We are so excited to experience this with you!!!❤️ & bring your friends!
The Temple of Nesvík, (The bigger house, location is sent as you register)
October 27th
14:00 - 19:00
Sliding scale: 6.000 - 12.000 ISK (with everything included, Cacao Ceremony, sauna + food!)
To register please fill out the form here below❤️
SUNDAY CHURCH: Sauna ritual/Ocean dip, Cacao Ceremony & Sound journey
Welcome to SUNDAY CHURCH in the Temple of Nesvík
13th October 2024
This event is dedicated to celebration, community, nature, aliveness, love & connection.
Let’s enjoy this beautiful life together & reframe what it means to attend church.
The Temple in Nesvík
SAUNA RITUAL & OCEAN DIP guided by Hinrik the sauna master
13:00 - 14:30
15:00 - 17:30
We will start this day together with a beautiful Sauna Ritual & Ocean swimming to cleanse & ground our bodies.
Then you will be served a cup of magical ceremonial grade cacao from the jungles of Guatemala.
We will breathe life & activate the body as well as sit in a beautiful ceremony guided by Júlía with mediation & sound journey.
Then finally after the whole day we will serve you a nourishing & delicious meal to land.
We are so excited to experience this with you!!!❤️ & bring your friends!
The Temple of Nesvík, (The bigger house, location is sent as you register)
October 13th
13:00 - 18:00
Sliding scale: 6.000 - 12.000 ISK (with everything included, Cacao Ceremony, sauna + food!)
To register please fill out the form here below❤️
Temple of Truth: Ecstatic Dance, Cacao Ceremony & Live Concerts // Copenhagen
Welcome to this evening of ceremony where we gather in the Temple of Truth.
On October 3rd we have the Solar eclipse & New moon in Libra and we are invited to start a new chapter, a new beginning. Starting a new in how we engage with life, how we relate with the people around us and our environments.
This eclipse is assisting us with letting go of the toxic patterns in the past and harvest the wisdom in our emotional wounds so we can continue wiser, as well take responsibility for the mirror life is giving us.
We will begin the evening by gathering in a beautiful & heart opening Cacao ceremony that will assist us with dropping down from our head/mind space and into our precious hearts.
You will be guided by the loving presence of Júlía as well as she will bring you into a breath work to activate your life force energy and get clear on, what you want to manifest.
Then we will move into the Ecstatic Dance journey guided by Mathilde Alba and feel the medicine of this journey within every cell of our bodies as we dance our prayers & allowing your truth to be expressed through your dance.
Finally as we land from this experience you can lay down into shavasana as we close the evening with a serenading, ceremonial concert.
Shamballa, Ny Østergade 7, 1101 København K, Danmark
October 3rd 2024 - Doors open at 18:30