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Easter Soultreat Homecoming De-luxe

Welcome Home beloved one ❤

Are you craving deep nourishment & connection with yourself?

To feel the Earth on your skin?

The breath of the deep Atlantic Ocean?

The taste of your soul song?

To feel the raw, vibrations of the volcanic soil?

Do you long to set your heart & soul free?

We welcome you home this Easter 2021 ☥ into the Sacred Temple of Iceland, Þingvellir

This Soul treat is designed for you to deluxe into all that you are.

What to expect?

Breath work, yoga & movement medicine.

Connection practises

Kundalini Dance

Soul voice activation

SNORKELING in SILFRA, Þingvallarvatn

Geothermal SPA, Fontana

Nature adventures

High vibe vegan nourishment

Fire Ceremony

Rituals & Sacred plant medicine, Ceremonial cacao.

Sacred sound journeys (with crystal singing bowls, GONG, drums, and voice alchemy) which assist you with integrating the experience.

About your Facilitators:

• JÚLÍA ÓTTARSDÓTTIR has been hosting cacao ceremonies since 2013 with loving and caring guidance using deep heart meditations, singing & ecstatic dancing along side her pure hearted presence. Júlía has studied with shamans all around the world. She is an embodiment facilitator, dancer, ceremonialist & a wisdom keeper of the earth.

Júlía lives on a magical island in the artics called Iceland & she has devoted her life to deep soul transformation & heart centred consciousness, helping others to find their way back home into their hearts & unravel their unique gifts.

Plant medicines, sacred sounds, human connection & connection back to nature is what she lives for and brings forth with passion and drive. Iceland is her origin and she carries the medicine of that land in her soul.

• ÞÓRDÍS BIRNA, a guide of Sophia Code transmission, Kundalini dance facilitator & Sacred Sound Alchemist.

Nutrition & meals:


De-luxe Raw/vegan food alchemist.

Want to know more about the Retreat?

Fill out the application here below and let´s see if this is for you.

March 5

Return to Her ☥ Wom(B)ens Retreat, Þingvellir

August 5