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WINTER SOLSTICE CEREMONY in the Temple of Þingvellir (extra edition)

Winter Solstice Ceremony

As we arrive into the darkest depths of the seasons, we are invited to meet with our deepest core and insights. 

This is a powerful introspective time to reflect on what you are creating in your life. 

The deeper we honour our roots, the more we are able to shine our light & focus on our dreams.

What is happening within you during these powerful times? 

What insights are you getting? 

We can look at this time as an ending of a cycle and a start of a new one - a new year. 

As we come together in ceremony we will honour what lays in the deepest core within, celebrate the rising of the sun and where we are aiming our focus.

This is a very powerful portal to LISTEN, VISION & DREAM.

Planting your seeds, dreams and visions in the deepest soil of your being, so it may sprout with the coming seasons, leading up to the Summer Solstice. 

As we start the ceremony, you will be served Ceremonial Cacao from the Jungles of Guatemala and it is also optional to journey with the medicine of Iceland.

Where will the Ceremony take place?

In the Temple of Þingvellir

What time will the ceremony take place?

18:00 - 21:00 PM


5000 ISK

Winter Solstice blessings

May the longest night and the shortest day

Bring rest to your mind & soul, I pray.

May you find guidance & may you find peace.

As the cycle of light will slowly increase.

Embrace the magic that the darkness brings with ease,

Breathe deep to your belly that is where you find relief.

May you be blessed with the light from within,

and may well-being be yours as the new cycle begins.

Apply or send us any questions here below if you would like to join this SOLSTICE CEREMONY

December 5

NEW MOON in SAGITTARIUS, Chocolate Sundays in the Temple of Þingvellir (LAST CEREMONY)

June 3

Alchemy of Love, Ceremony of the Heart - Copenhagen