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Taurus New Moon Ceremonial Sound Journey

You are invited to journey with us & the New Moon in Taurus this upcoming Wednesday, 8.5.2024 in the Temple of Nesvík.

Here you get to journey with the powerful yet gentle vibrations of Ceremonial Cacao & (optional) micro dose of the Icelandic medicine.

Before you lay down for the Sound Journey, we will lay down our intentions and seeds of what we want to sprout for this New Moon in Taurus.

After the intention setting & sacred medicines, you will have the chance to lay down on your own mat and allow all your channels to open up with the vibrations of many different healing instruments & voices.

Júlía & Þórdís will be your guides this evening and serenade you in the most gentle yet powerful ways to assist your body to raise it´s vibrations & open up your precious heart with various of instruments that work with all our bodies.

The mental body - The energetic body - The physical body - The emotional body - The light body.

Our intentions with this New Moon Sound Journey is to clear out the clutter out of the bodies and step into more clarity for the lives we are living with a wide open heart.

WHERE: Temple of Nesvík (bigger house)

WHEN? Wednesday 8.5.2024

18:00 - 21:00

PRICE? 7.000 ISK

You have any questions? Please let us know.
We are looking forward to sit with you in this special ceremony on the New moon in Taurus.

Sign up by filling up the form are below :)

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